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About this document

This document was created using Weave.jl. The code is available in on github. The same document generates both static webpages and associated jupyter notebook.


Previous notes have covered single layer, multi layer, and convolutional feed forward networks. In feed forward networks, the outputs of one layer are fed into the next layer, always moving toward the output. Recurrent networks break this pattern. In recurrent networks, outputs of one layer are feed back into the same. This always the network to maintain a hidden state. Recurrent networks are typically used to model sequential data. There are many applications to time series. Recurrent networks are also useful for processing text and audio data.

Additional Reading

  • @goodfellow2016 Deep Learning especially chapter 10
  • Knet.jl documentation especially the textbook
  • @klok2019 Statistics with Julia:Fundamentals for Data Science, MachineLearning and Artificial Intelligence

Recurrent Networks

Recurrent Networks are designed to predict a sequence of outputs, $y_t$, given a sequence of inputs, $x_t$, where $t=1, …,T$, The relationship between $x$ and $y$ is assumed to be stationary, but we will allow there to be possibly many values from the history of $x$ to affect $y$. We do this by introducing a hidden state, $h_t$. The prediction for $y_t$ is only a function of $h_t$, say $\hat{y}(h_t)$. The hidden state is Markovian with Both $\hat{y}()$ and $f()$ are constructed from neural networks. They could simply be single layer perceptrons, or any of the more complicated network architectures we previously discussed.

Approximation Ability

Recurrent networks can approximate (in fact can equal) any computable function. @siegelmann1991 and @siegelmann1992 show that recurrent neural networks are Turing complete. As with the universal approximation ability of feed forward networks, this result is good to know, but it is not an explanation for the good practical performance of recurrent networks.

When $h_t$ is large enough, it is easy to see how the recurrent model above can equal familiar time series econometric models. For example, for an AR(P) model, To express this model in recurrent state-space form, let $x_t = y_{t-1}$, and $h_t = (y_{t-1}, \cdots, y_{t-p}) \in \R^p$. Then we can set and

Stability and Gradients

Recursive neural networks can be difficult to train. The difficulty stems from how the gradient of the network behaves very differently depending on whether the dynamics are stable. To illustrute, suppose $f()$ is linear, and the loss function is MSE The derivatives of the loss function with respect to the parameters of $f$ are then: Both of these involve increasing powers of $f_h^t$. If $h_t$ has stable dynamics, i.e. $|f_h|<1$, then these derivatives will be dominated by the terms involving more recent values of $x_t$. If $h_t$ has explosive dynamics, $|f_h|>1$, then these derivatives will be dominated by the terms involving the earlist $x_t$. Depending on the stability of $f$, gradients will be dominated by either short term dependence between $x$ and $y$ or long term. This behavior makes it difficult to train a network where both short and long term dependencies are important.

The previous analysis also apply to nonlinear $f()$, with $f_h$ replaced by $(\partial f)/(\partial h)$, and stable replaced with locally stable.

The previous analysis also applies to multivariate $h_t$ with $|f_h|$ replace by $\max |eigenvalue(f_h)|$.

Truncating Gradients

A practical problem with gradients of recurrent networks is that $\hat{y}(h_t)$ depends on the entire history of $x_1, \cdots, x_t$. When computing the gradient by backward differentiation, this entire history will accumulate, using up memory and taking time. A common solution is to truncate the gradient calculation after some fixed number of periods.


Long Short-Term Memory networks were designed to avoid the problem of vanishing and exploding gradients. LSTMs have an additional hiddent state, $s_t$. The extra hidden state is $s_t \in (0,1)$ and is a weighted sum of $s_{t-1}$ and other variables. In particular, The first $\sigma(b_f + U_f’ x_t + W_f’ h_{t-1})$ is a “forget” gate. It determines how much of $s_{t-1}$ is forgotten. The second $\sigma(b_g + U_g’ x_t + W_g’ h_{t-1})$ is call the external input gate. It determines how much current $x_t$ affects $s_t$. The $\tilde{x}$ is a rescaled input given by Finally, $h_t$ is a gated and transformed version of $s_t$. where $\sigma(b_o + U_o’ x_t + W_o’h_t)$ is the output gate.

Example : Generating Dylan Songs

Recurrent neural networks are pretty good at randomly generating text. The Flux model zoo includes one such example. The example is based on this blog post by Andrej Karpathy. It predicts each individual character given past characters. This works suprisingly well. We are going to repeat this exercise, but use Bob Dylan songs as input.

Downloading Songs

We download all Bob Dylan lyrics and chords from

using ProgressMeter, JLD2
import HTTP, Gumbo, Cascadia

infile = joinpath(docdir,"jmd","dylanchords.txt")

if !isfile(infile)
  songlinks = eachmatch(Cascadia.Selector(".songlink"), songlist.root)
  songhtml = Array{String, 1}(undef, length(songlinks))
  p = Progress(length(songlinks),1,"Downloading songs", 50)
  for s ∈ eachindex(songlinks)
    url = songlinks[s].attributes["href"]
    if url == "index.htm"
      songhtml[s] = ""
    r = HTTP.get(""*url)

  open(infile, "w") do io
    for s ∈ songhtml
      write(io, s)

text = collect(String(read(infile)))
2873103-element Vector{Char}:
 '\n': ASCII/Unicode U+000A (category Cc: Other, control)
 '<': ASCII/Unicode U+003C (category Sm: Symbol, math)
 '?': ASCII/Unicode U+003F (category Po: Punctuation, other)
 'x': ASCII/Unicode U+0078 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
 'm': ASCII/Unicode U+006D (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
 'l': ASCII/Unicode U+006C (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
 ' ': ASCII/Unicode U+0020 (category Zs: Separator, space)
 'v': ASCII/Unicode U+0076 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
 'e': ASCII/Unicode U+0065 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
 'r': ASCII/Unicode U+0072 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
 '<': ASCII/Unicode U+003C (category Sm: Symbol, math)
 '/': ASCII/Unicode U+002F (category Po: Punctuation, other)
 'h': ASCII/Unicode U+0068 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
 't': ASCII/Unicode U+0074 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
 'm': ASCII/Unicode U+006D (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
 'l': ASCII/Unicode U+006C (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
 '>': ASCII/Unicode U+003E (category Sm: Symbol, math)
 '\n': ASCII/Unicode U+000A (category Cc: Other, control)
 '\n': ASCII/Unicode U+000A (category Cc: Other, control)

Note that the input text here are html files. Here is the start of one song.

<title>My Back Pages</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/general.css" />


<h1 class="songtitle">My Back Pages</h1>

<p>Words and music Bob Dylan<br />
Released on <a class="recordlink" href="../04_anotherside/index.htm">Another Side Of Bob Dylan</a> (1964) and <a class="recordlink" href="../99_greatesthits2/index.htm">Greatest Hits II</a> (1971)<br />
Tabbed by Eyolf &Oslash;strem</p>

<p>Most G's are played with a small figure (G - G6 - G7) going up to G7:</p>
<pre class="chords">
G  320003
G6 322003
G7 323003

<p>This is noted with a *).</p>

<p>He didn't seem to spend too much time rehearsing this song before he
went into the studio (the whole album was recorded in one
evening/night session) &ndash; he gets the first verse all wrong in the
chords, and he struggles a lot with the final lines of each
verse. I've written out the chords for the first two verses and in the
following verses deviations from the <em>second</em> verse.</p>

<p>Capo 3rd fret (original key Eb major)</p>

<hr />

<pre class="verse">
C       Am          Em
Crimson flames tied through my ears
        F        G *)   C
Rollin' high and mighty traps
C            Am      Em      C
Pounced with fire on flaming roads
      F     Em    G   *)
Using ideas as my maps
       F       Am     G *)        C
&quot;We'll meet on edges, soon,&quot; said I
Am                  F G
Proud 'neath heated brow
        C             Am    C
Ah, but I was so much older then
    F       G *)      C       G *)
I'm younger than that now.

Some songs include snippets of tablature (simple notation for guitar). For example,

<p>The easiest way to play the G7sus4 G7 G7sus2 G7 figure would be:</p>
<pre class="verse">
G7sus4  G7  G7sus2  G7

<hr />

<pre class="tab">
  C           G/b           F/a         G11   G       C/e
  :     .       :     .       :     .       :     .        :     .
|---0-------0-|---0-----0---|---2-----1---|-2---2----0---|---0-------0-- etc

This is all just text, and we will treat it is a such. However, it has additional structure that makes it more interesting to predict than the text of just lyrics.

Markovian Baseline

As Yoav Goldberg point out, you can generate pretty good text with a simple Markovian model of characters. That is, estimate the probability of a character $c$ given a history of $L$ characters $h$, $P(c_t|c_{t-1}, …, c_{t-L})$, by simple sample averages. Let’s try this out.

using StaticArrays

function p_markov(len::Val{L}, data::AbstractVector{Char}) where L
  dm = Dict{SVector{L, Char}, Dict{Char, Float64}}()
  p = Progress(length(data), 1, "count_markov($L)", 30)
  for t in (1+L):length(data)
    key = @view data[(t-L):(t-1)]
    entry=get!(dm, key, Dict(data[t] => 0))
    v = get!(entry, data[t], 0)
    entry[data[t]] += 1
  for k in keys(dm)
    total = sum(values(dm[k]))
    for e in keys(dm[k])
      dm[k][e] /= total

if isfile(modelfile)
  @load modelfile dm
  @time dm = p_markov(Val(4), text);
  @save modelfile dm
1-element Vector{Symbol}:

The above code stores $P(c_t|c_{t-1},…,c_{t-L})$ in a dictionary. When $L$ is large, there are huge number of possible histories, $c_{t-1},…,c_{t-L}$, and we will not observe many of them. A dictionary only stores data on the histories we observe, so it will save some memory.

Let’s now sample from our model.

defaultinit=collect("\n\n<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"\n\"\">\n<html lang=\"en\" xml:lang=\"en\" xmlns=\"\">\n\n<head>\n<title>")

function sample_markov(dm::Dict{SVector{L, Char}, Dict{Char, Float64}}, len=1000,
                       init=defaultinit) where L
  out = Array{Char,1}(undef,len)
  state = MVector{L, Char}(init[(end-L+1):end])
  out[1:L] .= state
  for s=L+1:len
    u = rand()
    cp = 0.0
    for k in keys(dm[state])
      cp += dm[state][k]
      if (u<= cp)
    state[1:(end-1)] .= state[2:end]
    state[end] = out[s]

@show length(dm), length(text)
(length(dm), length(text)) = (88032, 2873103)
<link">Greathere in the fixer see it up a hole like too late.
<pre class="verse:</p>
<pre class="bridge">
      C/g     G     799877
A     C
  :   .   .    G6/b  G#m
All nighting and a show treble, why, but the exposed
One more
I water Hotel
whateverything yet by Bob liked on <a class="songs I tried fret

<h1 class="version="1.0" encoding key. The was man wait.

<?xml verse">
G                    G
With that are thing Tour fat matterfront dawn
But whene'er that than people sad about the wedding="en" xml:lang="en" xml:
lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="">


<p>Dsus2  Em              And the horse
I wouldn't goodbye Royal Califormed the Lord
In on the to Puerto Recordlink rel="styles

Conditioning on histories of length 4, we get some hints of Dylan-esque lyrics, but we also get a lot of gibberish. Let’s try longer histories.

Length 10

if isfile(modelfile)
  @load modelfile dm
  @time dm = p_markov(Val(10), text);
  @save modelfile dm
@show length(dm), length(text)
(length(dm), length(text)) = (930264, 2873103)
<title>Golden Vanity</h1>

<p>Written by Baker Knight, recorded by Bob Dylan on <a class="refrain">
Say hello to Valery,
say hello to Valery,
say hello to Mary Anne
Say I'm still on the range of the law could not realize
That they're dying like a drum
I don't know what I'm about to break
And righteous, yes it makes no sense in a better
world. I don't exist
    C        D
Had no English words for me

<pre class="verse">
So swiftly the sun sinkin' like a fool.

When they asked him who was responsible for poisoning him with care.

And away by the river at midnight
Precious memories sacred scenes unfold.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html lang="en" xmlns="">

<title>Hey La La</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/general.css" />


<h1 class="songversion">Carnegie Chap

Length 20

if isfile(modelfile)
  @load modelfile dm
  @time dm = p_markov(Val(20), text);
  @save modelfile dm
@show length(dm), length(text)
println(String(sample_markov(dm, 2000)))
(length(dm), length(text)) = (1522834, 2873103)

<title>I Am A Lonesome Hobo</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/general.css" />


<h1 class="songtitle">Clothes Line Saga</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/general.css" />


<h1 class="songtitle">Summer Days</h1>

<p>Words and music Bob Dylan<br />
Released on <a class="recordlink" href="../28_biograph/index.htm">Biograph<
/a> (1985)
and in an early version on <a class="recordlink" href="../28_biograph/index
.htm">Biograph</a> (1985)<br />
Tabbed by Eyolf &Oslash;strem</p>

<hr />

<pre class="verse">
      C                G     *)      |-------------|-----------------|-----

<pre class="refrain">
Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.
F        G            A                    A
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
C                     F      C
But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast.
Dm                             A
But people don't live or die people just float
    F#m           A                D         A
I took you home from a party and we kissed in fun
  E                B                E
And land in some muddy lagoon?

With histories of length 20 the text looks pretty. Some of the lyrics are recognizably Dylan-like. However, the model still gets html tags mostly wrong. More importantly, the model is effectively just combining phrases of Dylan lyrics randomly. The data here consists of nearly 2.9 million characters. Among these, there are 1.5 million unique sequences of 20 characters. Many of the estimated $P(c_t|c_{t-1}, …)$ are equal to one.


Now let’s fit a recurrent neural network to the Dylan lyrics and chords data.

using Flux
using Flux: onehot, chunk, batchseq, throttle, logitcrossentropy
using StatsBase: wsample
using Base.Iterators: partition
using ProgressMeter

Recurrence and State

Recurrent neural networks have an internal state. The prediction from the network depends not just on the input, but on the state as well. The higher level interface to Flux hides the internal state. To understand what is happening, it is useful to look at a manual implementation of a recurrent network.

# RNN with dense output layer
nstate = 3
nx = 2
Wxs = randn(nstate,nx)
Wss = randn(nstate,nstate)
Wsy = randn(1,nstate)
b = randn(nstate)
bo = randn(1)
# equivalent to m = Chain(RNN(nx, nstate, tanh), Dense(nstate,1))
module Demo # put in a module so we can redefine struc without restarting Julia
struct RNNDense{M, V, V0}

function (r::RNNDense)(state, x)
  state = tanh.(r.Wxs*x .+ r.Wss*state .+ r.b)
  out = r.Wsy*state .+
  return(state, out)

rnnd = Demo.RNNDense(Wxs, Wss, Wsy, b, bo, zeros(nstate))
state = zeros(nstate)
m = Flux.Recur(rnnd, state)

# usage
x = randn(10,nx)
pred = zeros(size(x,1))
for i in 1:size(x,1)
  pred[i] = m(x[i,:])[1]
xs = [x[i,:] for i in 1:size(x,1)]
# broadcasting m over an array of x's ensure m is called sequentially
# on them
ps = vec(hcat(m.(xs)...))
ps ≈ pred
[0.9999627585819618, -0.9999950870293877, -0.9999325176311454]
[0.9969289926939939, -0.9592843010898435, -0.9949685803229465]
[-0.9550874475436307, 0.9456978854767997, -0.30563757015795245]
[0.9223339918617945, -0.9999235979878388, -0.999971432603519]
[0.027959415346625084, 0.7641638044341819, -0.6014126623233512]
[-0.6016054748224411, -0.9992448996719636, -0.9999688939886654]
[0.9399256650670179, -0.9999838618472047, -0.9999990500263781]
[0.7193737938828986, 0.3541220126785839, -0.8183756591323428]
[0.1132312523783616, 0.7038207489218203, -0.686534857913229]
[0.995712302587801, -0.9952508631539942, -0.999281033271]

Now let’s fit an RNN to Dylan lyrics.

Data Preparation

text = collect(String(read(joinpath(docdir,"jmd","dylanchords.txt"))))
endchar = 'Ω' # any character not in original text
alphabet = [unique(text)..., endchar]
hottext = map(ch -> onehot(ch, alphabet), text)
stop = onehot(endchar, alphabet)

N = length(alphabet)
batchseqlen = 50
seqperbatch = 50
Xseq = collect(partition((batchseq((chunk(hottext,seqperbatch)),stop)), batchseqlen));
Yseq = collect(partition((batchseq((chunk(hottext[2:end], seqperbatch)),stop)),
println("$(length(Xseq)) batches")
data = zip(Xseq, Yseq);
1150 batches

To reduce computation while training the model, we are going to use gradient truncation. batchseqlen is the length of history through which gradients are accumulated.

We also divide the data into batches for gradient descent. seqperbatch is the number of batchseqlen sequences per batch used for gradient descent. Each batch will have seqlen * seqperbatch observations.

Training and Results

# Sampling

function sample(m, alphabet, len)
  m = cpu(m)
  buf = IOBuffer()
  c = rand(alphabet)
  for i = 1:len
    write(buf, c)
    c = wsample(alphabet, softmax(m(onehot(c, alphabet))))
  return String(take!(buf))

opt = RMSProp(0.005)
# this will take awhile, so a fancier call back with a progress meter is nice to have
function cbgenerator(N, loss, printiter=Int(round(N/10)))
  p = Progress(N, 1, "Training", 25)
  function cb()
    if (i % printiter==0)
      @show loss()

function trainepoch!(loss, param, data, opt, cb)

function train_model(L; N=N, data=data,
                     opt=opt )
  m = Chain(LSTM(N, L), LSTM(L, L),  Dense(L, N)) #|> gpu
  function loss(xb::V, yb::V) where V<:AbstractVector
    l = sum(logitcrossentropy.(m.(xb),yb))/length(xb)

  if isfile(modelfile)
    @load modelfile cpum
    #m = gpu(cpum)
    m = cpum
    @time Flux.train!(loss, Flux.params(m), data, opt, cb = cb)
    println("Sampling after 1 epoch:")
    sample(m, alphabet, 1000) |> println

    Flux.@epochs 20 Flux.train!(loss, Flux.params(m), data, opt, cb = cb)
    cpum = cpu(m)
    @save modelfile cpum

for L in [32, 64, 128] #, 256, 512]
  m = train_model(L)
  println("Model $L has $(sum([prod(size(p)) for p in Flux.params(m)])) parameters")
  println("Sample from model $L")
  println(sample(m, alphabet, 2000))
Model 32 has 28933 parameters
Sample from model 32
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if baby
       .    .  .ecomajoay Lourtorlr ) fing the thoolnd,last stilas</p>


<pre ctroothey tsklarn teiep
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J  *

Model 64 has 82341 parameters
Sample from model 64
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Model 128 has 262885 parameters
Sample from model 128


Dyle rigern'tit 77
Bm          F C
 to be              g    |er'lwoue
quouse cly E             D
Elhat you wipopoo's 'n t sulve, to B
        . . |h, s, jutlwomp as by,
Kell veflaw Bb    spiney thr so the 'rviffea monigemell

Gr /x/>Vever sen have kn the lll I b
Tri't you hrown one C
B7   . . lall lerse
But k fre.
Yoall min irny thorrom  pne be wall, din't have
(O#      C#m .

I b your thes arth,
[Live     |-0---2 I'm se g let ver, bre hank righer?

<plm, rlflastill the hitless fld mome that can'ter lonn ove yee relet F C B
brom trse lly the stlow Ba monmee trit.

<pre shmu verberte
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And cleuhat pn night.

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selloll wand on he
